Work and Identity

eBook - Contemporary Perspectives on Workplace Diversity, Palgrave Explorations in Workplace Stigma

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783319739366
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 0 S., 2.26 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2018
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This edited volume highlights relevant issues and solutions for diversity groups within the workplace.  It explores issues of identity as they relate to attributes of gender, age, migrant labor, disability, and power  in social spaces. Identity is rarely well-defined in many social spaces, and understandings that define belonging are often developed through the normative expectations of others. Having an evidence-based approach in addressing these relevant issues, this book will appeal to academics and practitioners alike looking for practical and theoretical solutions to improving the situations of these groups in paid employment.


Shalene Werth is Senior Lecturer in the School of  Management and Enterprise at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Her research covers both disability and chronic illness in the workplace and also the experience of students with disability in higher education.Charlotte Brownlow is Associate Professor in the School of Psychology and Counselling at The University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Her research interests focus on understandings of diversity and difference and the impacts that constructions of these have on the crafting of individual identities, particularly for individuals identifying as being on the autism spectrum.


1. Introducing concepts of workforce diversity.- 2. Chronic health conditions and work identity from a lifespan development frame.- 3. Autism spectrum disorder: Emotion work in the workplace.- 4. The ageing population in Australia: Implications for the workforce.- 5. Recognising young people as real workers and the employment implications of framing young workers as deficient.- 6. Work-life juggle! Insights into the experiences of Indian information technology women who undertook international assignments.- 7. How women executives survive the isolated echelons of the corporate ladder.- 8. The health systems workforce in an era of globalised superdiversity an example of a global care chain landscape in Ireland.- 9. Belonging, temporariness and seasonal labour: working holidaymakers experiences in regional Australia.- 10. Work, identity and trade union responses and strategies.- 11. Are collective identity and action being squashed by individualism?.- 12. Issues of power and disclosure for women with chronic illness in their places of work.- 13. Reflections and conclusions.

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